The Magpies: A Blades in the Dark Actual Play

Season 2, Episode 5: The Uncaged Bird Score

Episode Summary

“In the end, that’s the point of it. To live loud enough that you make at least a small dent on the world.” The Magpies break into Ironhook, and many goodbyes are said.

Episode Notes

“In the end, that’s the point of it. To live loud enough that you make at least a small dent on the world.”

The Magpies break into Ironhook, and many goodbyes are said.

Transcriptionist for Season 1, Episode 3: Lyra Song *NOTE: Rhi got her name wrong in the intro; the correct name is Lyra Song. Sorry Lyra!

Level Eater 9 - Chicago, January 19

Featured Charity: #TransCrowdFund (Twitter)